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Showing posts with the label News

No new episode this week

Due to an unexpected personal emergency, we have no new episode for you this week... Sorry! Back soon xx Got something to say? Leave it in the comments below, or you can email us at , call us at 732-98-CREEK, or find us at @dawsonsspeakpod on Twitter and Facebook .

Some bad news...

It seems silly to be this upset over my hard drive literally  breaking (wtf hard drive!), but it does mean that the last 2.5 years of work I've done to produce this podcast has just...vanished. Maybe by the time you read this, I'll have gotten it back. Let's hope. We'll most likely be back next week. Sorry... -Traci Got something to say? Leave it in the comments below, or you can email us at , call us at 732-98-CREEK, or find us at @dawsonsspeakpod on Twitter and Facebook .

We have merch!

Friends, listeners, Dawson's Creek  fans – come one, come all: we've made some merch (both podcast-specific and more general show-related stuff) and are finally unleashing it to the world for all of you! Shop the Dawson's Speak TeePublic store now! We're talking about this on the Oct. 8 episode of the podcast (including possible discounts for y'all!) but we also wanted to address some questions up front in an effort to be as transparent as possible... Q: What's available? A: We have 6 original designs right now – 3 Dawson's Speak  designs, and 3 Dawson's Creek  designs. If you click into each design, you'll see a variety of options – from T-shirts to hoodies to mugs to stickers. We've also curated a few items into our store made by independent artists that are Creek -related! Q: Can I request designs or items? A: We're happy to take suggestions! If there's a current design that you want on an item that you don't see ava...

#DawsonsSpeakTravel: 36 Hours in Wilmington

We asked, you delivered: 50+ iTunes reviews later, and we set off for Wilmington – home of fictional Capeside, the setting for this show that’s brought you and us together. Wilmington is serene, lined with sandy shores and filled with signs of history (much of it, a new experience for the two of us who grew up in California and spent the better part of our careers up in New York). We knew we wouldn’t have enough time to hit all of the filming locations and recommended spots we received over the past month, but we did our best to pack in as much as we could in the 36 hours we were there. With our Airbnb booked, a rental car secured, and one short flight later, we found ourselves in Wilmington (despite Traci coming off of an unexpected cold, but that didn't stop us!). Our first stop after a good night's sleep was Bitty & Beau's Coffee (4949 New Centre Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403), which Traci admits she picked purely because it was on the way to our first Dawson...

Announcement: A "Dawson's Creek" Giveaway!

In anticipation of the 20th anniversary of the start of  Dawson's Creek , we're doing a giveaway of the complete DVD series! To enter, all you need to do is head over to the iTunes Store or the Apple Podcast app and leave us a review – not just a star rating, but a written review. It can be long, it can be short, the only thing it can't contain are spoilers because Charles will read these too :) You have until Monday, Jan. 15, 2018 to leave your review! If you've already written a review, this will apply retroactively. This is also open internationally. We will select the winner on Jan. 20, 2018 – on the 20th anniversary – and then tell you how to verify to us that that is indeed you. Good luck and thank you for listening! Questions? Email us at !

Intro/Preview: Welcome to 'Dawson's Speak'

Charles has never seen a teen drama, so Traci thought it would be best to introduce the genre to him with one of TV's best – and soapiest – series. Join us as we discuss "Dawson's Creek" nearly two decades after the show first premiered on The WB. (Imagine we're just chatting in the cafeteria the next morning after the episode aired. We'll even share our snacks.) You'll laugh (we hope), you'll cry (because you're laughing, right?), you'll want to scream at Charles about how wrong he is about Pacey. Got something to say? Leave it in the comments below, or you can email us at , call us at 732-98-CREEK, or find us at @dawsonsspeakpod on Twitter and Facebook .