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Showing posts with the label Other

Reunion Happy Hour - #DawsonsCreekTaughtMe (ft. friends from the Dawson's Creek Podcast Universe)

Hi hi! Welcome to our second collab episode in celebration of Dawson's Creek 's 23rd birthday! Come for the life updates, stay to hear from some amazing folks out there in the Dawson's Creek Podcast Universe.  We love and appreciate you all so much, whether you've been here from day 1 or are just getting into the show (and our podcast) now. Be sure to check out these other great podcasts, give them a listen and a follow, tell them we say "hello," and continue to share with us your #DawsonsCreekTaughtMe thoughts! Episode Links: Dawson's Critique (+ get their book, I Remember Everything: Life Lessons from Dawson's Creek , now!)  (Twitter: @dawsonscritique )  Dawson's Creeps  (Twitter: @Dawsons_Creeps ) Dawson Black  (Twitter: @DawsonBlack10 ) Creek of the Week  (Twitter: @talkindawson ) Study Hall #4 - 20th Anniversary Collab Episode + #DawsonsCreekTaughtMe  (our first collab episode) Got something to say? Leave it in the comments below, or you can e...

Reunion Brunch - Dawson's Creek Comes to Netflix (in the U.S.)

With Dawson's Creek  hitting Netflix in the U.S., we figured it'd be a great time to pop in and say "hello"! For new listeners, Charles shares some tips on how to avoid spoilers and Traci reassures everyone that Eve doesn't stick around. If you're trying to watch Dawson's Creek  spoiler-free, stop listening at 17:06 because that's when things get very spoiler-y! We chat about episodes we're excited to re-watch, share some new listener #DawsonsCreekTaughtMe submissions, and reminisce about the Entertainment Weekly reunion. We also talk about things like Among Us and Carly Rae Jepsen, so there was really no limit. Join us for brunch, won't you? Episode Links: Dawson's Creek Music Guide (FanForum) Charles' 3x20 ("The Longest Day") timeline guide Traci's Leery house in The Sims 4 Why Grown-Ass Men Get So Emotional About Carly Rae Jepsen (MEL Magazine) Got something to say? Leave it in the comments below, or you can email us ...

Reunion - Four Months Later

You know how after everyone graduates and everyone's back home for the holidays and you meet up at an Applebee's? That's what this episode is, except it's four months later and we're still in the midst of a global pandemic – so why not dust off the old mics and get to chatting?  We answer new "Dawson's Creek" questions, complain about "Iron Man 3," argue about cereal, and share some of the things we've been doing/watching/listening to since we "said good night, but not goodbye." And because we forgot how to podcast, we forgot to plug our usual stuff: Yes, you can still buy merch ! You can still contact us ! And you can (and should!) still rate and review us on iTunes/Apple Podcasts!  Episode links: Laura's tweet about Abby Singer and the 5x22 "Abby" mystery Not Another D&D Podcast The Empty Bowl podcast Bring It All Back podcast Got something to say? Leave it in the comments below, or you can email us at dawson...

Graduation - Our Series Finale

Three years later ... and our journey has come to an end. We love you and thank you for being part of Dawson's Speak. "We'll see you soon, child." Episode links: Dawson's Creek reunion: Kevin Williamson on where Dawson, Joey, and Pacey would be today (Entertainment Weekly) An open apology to Jen on ‘Dawson’s Creek’ (New York Post) #WhatPaceyWore How Well Do You Really Know 'Dawson's Creek' [Quiz] (MTV) Charles' spreadsheet/timeline for 3x20 - The Longest Day Cameo: James Van Der Beek Cameo: Kerr Smith Cameo: Monica Keena Ranking 10 Screen Rant Lists Got something to say? Leave it in the comments below, or you can email us at , call us at 732-98-CREEK, or find us at @dawsonsspeakpod on Twitter and Facebook .

Ranking 10 Screen Rant Lists

We had to do it. Listeners of the podcast, you know how much we've loved and loved to hate the Dawson's Creek  related lists on Screen Rant. For our finale, we wanted to – as a joke – make our own lists. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to include it into our "graduation" episode recording, but we can't let the hard work of ranking things go to waste. So here they are... Traci: Dawson's Creek: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Deserved More)  – #JusticeForAndie #JusticeForJen ... Need I say more?  Dawson’s Creek: 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Outfits  – Fashion lists are just fun, especially when we look at the fashion of the late '90s/early '00s. I also love that a good number of these trends (even the bad ones) are making their way back into fashion now. Dawson’s Creek: 10 Most Hated Storylines  – I agree with all of these, though I'd like to throw in the shitty boys who were interested in Jen (Ty, Henry, Oliver, CJ...) int...

Bonus Episode - How We're Passing the Time in Isolation

Surprise! We know we said you'd hear from us in 2 weeks for our "graduation" episode, and that's still coming next week...but right now, we wanted to take a few minutes (OK, more like 40 minutes) to talk about ways we're passing the time. Our world is in a scary place right now and it's uncharted territory for most of us. Be safe, wash your hands, and enjoy our recommendations for what we're listening to, watching, and reading :) Traci's recommendations: Podcasts: "The Case of the Missing Hit" (Reply All), Finding Fred , Dolly Parton's America TV shows: Friends , Gilmore Girls ( watch it on Netflix ) , Golden Girls ( watch it on Hulu ) , The Circle (U.S.) ( watch it on Netflix ) , High School Musical: The Musical: The Series ( watch it on Disney+ ) Movies/documentaries/longform: Any John Mulaney comedy special ( watch on Netflix / listen on Spotify ) YouTube: Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge (BuzzFeed Multiplayer) Books/reads: Slou...

Fanfiction: Witch Island, Revisited

Benjamin Gold hadn’t seen the island for more than a decade. Or really — he saw the island everyday driving back and forth along the coast (basically everyone commuting that way did), but he hadn’t actually been on it since he was in high school. No one really went to Witch Island after they turned 18 and could rent a cheap motel room. Ben hadn’t seen it since he was even younger because.. well. “Y’know, you two are a little.. older than the kids I normally take out here. Usually it’s teenagers I take back and forth. They’re the worst.” Ben looked over at Tamara Jacobs and then back at the guy who owned the boat ferrying the three of them across the brackish creek between Capeside and the island. The guy was right, most adults — teachers especially — avoided visiting, but Tamara had just moved to Capeside and so quickly became a close friend that Ben wanted to show her the island she had overheard so much about from her students. “I’ve heard a lot happens on this island, Benj...

Dawson's Creek Guest Stars That Deserved More of a Storyline

Because it's still March (at least, when we're starting this), we decided to make a "Dawson's Creek"-inspired bracket – but we need your votes to get this thing going! The theme is: "Creek" guest stars that deserved more of a storyline (at least up until 3x09 because that's where we are in our watch for the podcast, and #NoSpoilersForCharles) Each round closes Friday at 9PM PT with the winner being determined by April 20th! GO VOTE NOW!