Hi hi! Welcome to our second collab episode in celebration of Dawson's Creek 's 23rd birthday! Come for the life updates, stay to hear from some amazing folks out there in the Dawson's Creek Podcast Universe. We love and appreciate you all so much, whether you've been here from day 1 or are just getting into the show (and our podcast) now. Be sure to check out these other great podcasts, give them a listen and a follow, tell them we say "hello," and continue to share with us your #DawsonsCreekTaughtMe thoughts! Episode Links: Dawson's Critique (+ get their book, I Remember Everything: Life Lessons from Dawson's Creek , now!) (Twitter: @dawsonscritique ) Dawson's Creeps (Twitter: @Dawsons_Creeps ) Dawson Black (Twitter: @DawsonBlack10 ) Creek of the Week (Twitter: @talkindawson ) Study Hall #4 - 20th Anniversary Collab Episode + #DawsonsCreekTaughtMe (our first collab episode) Got something to say? Leave it in the comments below, or you can e...
A Podcast About Dawson's Creek