We're saying goodbye to season 5 officially, and we couldn't be more happy to see it go. But there were some good moments, and we want to acknowledge those too! From top 5 moments to favorite new characters, we run through the best of what felt like a very long 23 episodes. From Traci: "Does anyone else feel like season 5 was basically two different seasons? I stand by what I said about liking Oliver in the beginning of the season. It feels like a waste of his character though when they send him further off the rails after he shoots the film with Dawson..." From Charles: "Regarding Andie... I know she was only supposed to defer Harvard for a year, but I imagine she's still in Europe and takes the train up to Paris to visit Joey during the summer. I bet her life in Italy is great." And, finally... WE CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE ABOUT TO START THE LAST SEASON! What a wild ride this has been. Stay tuned for 6x01, where we talk about our upcoming gi...
A Podcast About Dawson's Creek